
2025 Price List (from 1st January 2025)

At Greendrift Wills & Estates we believe in transparent and fair prices. The price agreed with you in writing at the outset is what you will pay unless your requirements change.


What are ‘Mirror’ Wills?
The fee quoted for a pair of ‘Mirror’ Wills applies when the two Wills are substantially the same as each other and, if they are not, the fee for two single Wills applies.

Standard Wills (most Wills which we draft fit this category)
Single Standard Will – £240                                      Pair of Standard Mirror Wills – £360

Complex Wills (your estate will include either; more than one property, significant complexity, foreign land or buildings, seven or more beneficiaries, business ownership, or total assets in excess of £1m)
Single Complex Will – £320                                        Pair of Complex Mirror Wills – £500

Simple Wills (If you are not a home owner, have fewer than seven beneficiaries, and your estate is worth less than £50k, this can be a very cost effective option)
Single Simple Will – £140                                            Pair of Simple Mirror Wills – £220


These are Wills which are drafted to include one or more of the following Will Trusts:

  • PPT –  Property Protection (Life Interest) Trust
  • VPT –  Vulnerable / Disabled Person’s Trust
  • DT   –   Discretionary Trust
  • FLIT –  Flexible Life Interest Trust

Single Trust Will – £380                                                                     Pair of Trust Wills – £580
(If more than one of the above Trusts is required an additional £100 will be charged)


One LPA –  £175
Two LPA’s –  £290
All Four LPA’s for a Couple £490

Please note that there is also a Government Registration Fee which is payable to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) at £82 per LPA unless you qualify for a reduction (or complete exemption) based on either a limited income or being in receipt of certain benefits.

Checking and registering an existing LPA   – £75
Preparing a Partial Deed of Revocation  – £75

(this can be useful as a ‘stop-gap’ whilst an LPA is awaiting registration by the Office of the Public Guardian, or for one-off decisions. However, unlike an LPA, the  GPA cannot be used after the donor has lost mental capacity)
Single GPA – £100                                        Pair of GPAs for a couple – £150



(we can prepare and submit applications to the Court of Protection for Property & Financial Affairs Deputyship Orders; however we do not currently support applications for Personal Welfare Deputyship Orders since they are only rarely granted by the Court)

Total Fee£750
(payable in two instalments; £400 when the application is submitted to the Court of Protection, and the balance of £350 when the Deputyship Order is granted)

We will support you step-by-step in making your Deputyship application. Starting with an initial discussion in your own home about the various fees and additional costs, complexities, timescales and ongoing responsibilities.  We will also offer advice on obtaining the required mental capacity assessment, and will remain actively supporting your case all the way through to your Deputyship Order being granted and responsibility for monitoring passed over to the Office of the Public Guardian.

Court applications usually take six months or more to obtain but we promise to do all we can to help make the process as smooth as possible, to keep you updated throughout, and to respond to any queries you have along the way quickly and effectively.


  • Will Storage (fee for arranging storage with the Government’s Probate Service / HMCTS. This is a one-off fee, there are no annual storage charges, and no additional charge for withdrawing a Will)
    £40 per Will stored
  • Minor Revisions to an Existing Will (if previously drafted by ourselves)
    Revised Single Will – £90,                              Revised Pair of Mirror Wills – £140
  • Registering the death of a joint proprietor of a property – £90
  • Severance of a Joint Tenancy on a Property – £90
  • Signing to witness / certify a document – £25

Home visits to clients living more than 15 miles from our Letchworth office may incur a travel supplement of  £40 per visit, but you would always be advised of this in advance.

Greendrift Wills & Estates does not ask for any upfront payment or deposit, and we won’t usually invoice you until we have completed drafting your document(s) and you have approved the final version.  Payment can then be made either online by credit/debit card or by bank transfer, or, alternatively, both cheque and cash payments are accepted.